Stress, Anxiety, and Overwhelm Stop Here!

Everyday life can be hard. With simple strategies described in the bestselling book, Secrets to Authentic Happiness, you can rewire your brain and discover another way to see the world. One full of purpose, meaning, love, and joy.

Discover how to see challenge and rise!

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What You'll Discover In This Book and Video Series:

  • ​​How to get out of your own way

  • How to let go of worry, anxiety and fear

  • How to improve relationships and your mental health

  • ​How to heal through feeling and forgiving

  • ​How to live with Extreme Gratitude

  • ​How to live with meaning and lead with love

  • How to reduce triggers and stress

  • And so much more!

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Here's what others have to say...

It’s awesome!! So far it’s easy to read and to pay attention to. She has a way with words!!! I look forward to implementing her advice in my life! Thank you Rachel Carta for writing this book for all of us, it’s the nicest gift that will last lifetime


- Emily S.

Occasionally in life you come across something truly transformational. Rachel Carta’s “Secrets to Authentic Happiness” is just that. Rachel weaves touching stories of her own life and experiences along with industry studies to describe and reveal how our thoughts and perspective make all the difference. An amazing read!

- Scott W.

Rachel does a fantastic job of providing practical, same day steps for improving your happiness. I love the journal that guides you through incorporating these steps into your daily life.

- Danielle S.

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